New York Travel Guide | Manhattan

new york manhattan

In such a vast city with so many things to do, you must find your inner tourist and go out there with a goal and a plan to discover all the touristic things to do in Manhattan, New York.

City where you never have enough time and where you easily get lost – in the streets and in your dreams.

Have You ever been to the city that never sleeps?

One of my favorite places in the world is New York City. It’s unlike anywhere else: it’s squeezed and compressed into one small island, yet it offers an universe of alternatives and experiences. Even if you fall in love and decide to stay for years, you won’t be able to see everything in one trip!

New York is one of the world’s most famous cities, attracting approximately 60 million visitors every year.  Tourists frequently stick to the standard NYC agenda, overlooking the spectacular off-the-beaten-path NYC sights that are just waiting to be discovered.

New York City is one of the most costly cities in the world to visit.

Getting to Midtown Manhattan from the airport

Once you get off the plane in JFK, take the AirTrain to Jamaica station, where you’ll hop on the Long Island Railroad which drops you off at Penn Station, located in the heart of midtown Manhattan.

And right after you walk out the subway you can immediately feel the noisy and crowded streets, unique smell of city and the huge buildings.

If you’re on the east coast and live on one of Amtrak’s routes, taking the train to New York City can be a great way to travel! Throughout the region, you’ll discover handy schedules.

First impression? Manhattan is so loud.

The energy of Manhattan is so impressive. It makes you eager to live “big” – you just want to grow, to dream, to success, so you can fit in its breathtaking hugeness.

Flat Iron Building New York

After living in a small European city and moving to LA, the busyness of Manhattan can easily make you shocked. There is no single street you can find empty. People are always in a rush, there are a lot traffic and streets are unfortunately dirty.

first time in Manhattan

While you’re in New York, however, you should make the most of your time and try your best to explore both the famous and lesser-known sights.

Manhattan features a plethora of activities to see and do.  If you’re visiting the city for the first time, you’ll most likely be rushed while you explore all of the numerous spots and sites that are strewn across the neighborhoods.

Are you visiting New York for the first time? New York City offers a plethora of exciting activities. That is what distinguishes New York from the rest of the country. The opportunities are unlimited in this city.

NYC is a place where you may return time and time again and always discover a new real treasure or favorite location. With so many things to see, districts to explore, eateries to enjoy, and activities to do in New York, it’s hard to get a true sense of the city in just one visit.

My first time in NYC

My first trip to Manhattan was a really short one. Arrived in the morning and flew back to LA in the evening. What was it like to wonder in NYC streets in a rush? It was an excitement, a “dream come true” feeling. Therefore, I saw a lot of people both locals and tourists. I have been to Times Square, which I can say was unbelievable, went to the top of the famous Empire State Building and was astonished by the breathtaking view over the city.

How to get everywhere in NYC? The most convenient and easy way to travel in New York City is by subway. It’s cost-effective and you won’t stuck in a traffic jam for hours.

The second trip to my favorite city was with my husband during the Christmas. There were unbelievably beautiful decorations, Christmas trees, a lot of people, cold weather, hot chocolate in New York City. However, despite the fact that there was no snow in Christmas eve like it usually does in the movies, there really was a magic in the air.

brooklyn bridge NYC

We walked the Brooklyn Bridge, which is 137 years old and the very famous touristic sight in New York City. And as a result we enjoyed the river view and took a lot of pictures as everyone does.

After strolling around the streets and exploring NYC we went to the 9/11 Memorial & Museum and payed respect to the fallen.

The renowned New York skyscrapers, the Statue of Liberty, and, of course, the magnificent Brooklyn Bridge can all be seen from Brooklyn Bridge Park.

In New York, there are numerous sights, as well as amazing places to visit, fantastic food, and chicory coffee. Simply strolling the streets and taking in the ambience may be a great experience.

Nyc is home to so many classic American symbols that seeing them all in a single trip is difficult. The list goes on for ever: the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Central Park, Broadway, Wall Street, the Empire State Building, and etc.

“If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate.”

Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl, in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in 2002

In such a vast city with so many things to do, you must find your inner tourist and go out there with a goal and a plan to discover all the touristic things to do in Manhattan, New York. Have You ever been to the city that never sleeps? One of my favorite places in the world.

NYC is a great, dynamic city, but planning your first vacation there might be intimidating. From traditional landmarks to less known attractions, in my post above I will tell about all of the greatest things to do in New York.